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Hi, I’m Shana Gordon-Katz, an associate with the Feldstein Family Law Group. Today I am going to provide you with some tips and tricks on how to reduce the anxieties and stresses that come with listing, selling, and closing on the matrimonial home after you have separated from your spouse.

You may think that coordinating the listing, sale, and closing of the former matrimonial home will be a breeze after you and your former spouse have negotiated and executed a full and final separation agreement. However, a lot of planning and organization is required to keep your stress at bay.

The list of things that you have to do to successfully list, sell, and close on the home may seem never ending. For example, you have to hire a real estate agent, retain a real estate lawyer, ensure you have all the necessary permits and documentation in order, notify everyone of your new address, pack up your home (with or without the assistance of your former spouse), and move into/set up a new place to call home etc.

While the list may seem overwhelming, here are some ways to stay calm when it’s time to move on:

  1. Give yourself time and plan ahead – it is easier to do a little bit every day than to do everything all at once with a deadline fast approaching.
  1. Stay well organized by making a list of all the tasks you need to do, then set reasonable and attainable deadlines, allowing yourself enough time to complete everything on your to do list.
  1. Clear out the clutter – getting rid of the clutter will help you be and feel more organized. It will also ensure that when you begin packing, you will only be packing the things that you need and want to pack.
  1. Ask for help – rely on your friends and family who are your support system. Even if your friends and family have not personally gone through a separation or divorce, most of them have been through at least one move in their lives and understand how hard it can be.
  1. Ask your family law lawyer for his/her recommendation for the name of a real estate lawyer;
  1. Work with your former spouse to prepare the home for sale – it is okay to share the costs associated with junk removal, staging, etc. with your former spouse. If you need some help coordinating these details with your ex, your family lawyer can help facilitate this conversation.
  1. Engage in self-care strategies – allow yourself the time to say goodbye, get enough sleep, and eat well.
  1. Finally, keep your eye on the prize, remember that as you move out of your former home, you are starting a new, happier chapter of your life.

Should you require information about your separation and wish to schedule a consultation please visit our website at or contact our office at 905-581-7222.