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Thanks to an error on their divorce forms, Kendra Wilkinson and Hank Baskett will remain husband and wife just a little longer.

The estranged couple filed their final divorce settlement on October 29th, thinking that was the end of their marriage. However, the settlement was rejected by the court on Wednesday, November 28th, 2018.

As for why it was turned down, apparently the couple entered the wrong jurisdiction date on their divorce documents and also forgot to check a box on another section of the papers. The couple was married for nine years and have two children together.

In Ontario, couples can also be denied a divorce by the courts. This tends to occur because the court is of the opinion that the parties seeking to split have not sufficiently addressed the needs of the children with regards to parenting plans or child support.

This particular case demonstrates the importance of having a competent lawyer on your side throughout your entire divorce. An experienced lawyer can handle all of the paperwork for your divorce to ensure that necessary information has been included in any documents that have to be submitted to the court. The last thing you want is to have your case rejected because of a minor oversight that could have easily been spotted by a skilled lawyer.

Get help With Your Divorce Case Today

At Feldstein Family Law Group P.C., we are dedicated to providing our clients with the skilled legal representation that they deserve. Our firm exclusively handles family law cases, and we know which legal strategies produce the best results for our clients. Let us take a look at your case today to determine the best legal approach. We are prepared to fight for you.

Contact an Ontario divorce lawyer to schedule your free case consultation.
