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Use this brief outline to understand the specific manner in which documents must be prepared for the court. A continuing record includes: an endorsements volume and documents volume. The endorsements volume will contain a cumulative table of contents, an endorsements section, which would also contain reasons for judgment and minutes of settlement, and an orders section. The documents volume will contain documents filed in the case, including applications, answers, replies, affidavits of service, financial statements, motions, affidavits, and trial management conference briefs.

The applicant will file the endorsement volume at the same time as filing volume 1 of the continuing record. However, it is not necessary to start a separate endorsements volume in the following types of cases:

  • Joint applications for divorce;
  • Uncontested divorces in which the only claim is for divorce, when the respondent does not file an answer;
  • When the applicant files a change information form (Form 15) and the respondent does not file an affidavit;
  • A consent motion for a final order.


Each new application or motion to change a final order starts a new volume to the continuing record, numbered sequentially after the last volume filed.

Record Cover

The documents volume will have a red cover. The title of the record (e.g. “Continuing Record”, “Support Enforcement Continuing Record”) must appear in bold, font size 20, or an equivalent size.
For the volume(s) of the record containing documents relating to a motion to change a final order, the cover must identify the order that is the subject of the motion.

Filing Documents

Documents must be filed in chronological order, with the most recently filed document at the back. A numbered tab must identify each document filed and tabs must be in sequential order. A new volume must start with a new tab sequence starting with tab 1.

Contents of Continuing Record

  • Table of Contents: (cumulative, located in endorsements volume)
  • Endorsements: identified with a tab/divider, with 3 blank pages for disposition notes
  • Orders: identified with a tab/divider, contains copies of all orders
  • Documents: (court documents, financial statements, affidavits)
  • Affidavits of service: filed behind the document to which it applies