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According to recent reports, Elin has sought $750,000,000.00 from Tiger as part of their divorce proceedings. According to the Australian Herald Sun, if she succeeds, this would be the most expensive celebrity divorce to date.

What would Ontario judges think of this $750 million proposal?

Ontario judges would think that Elin needs to be more specific. The major financial issues in Divorce cases include spousal support, child support, and equalization. So, Ontario judges would require Elin to explain, in detail, whether this $750 million is meant to settle all three of these issues and why she believes she is entitled to this sum of money.

It is also reported that Elin refused to sign a lifetime confidentially clause, which would have prohibited her from speaking publicly about the details of her marriage with Tiger. Although there is likely nothing Tiger could do to stop Elin from speaking publicly about their marriage, Ontario judges might grant him an order prohibiting both parties from speaking disparagingly about each other in the presence or hearing of the children. As the parties' divorce is highly publicised, this might prevent her from speaking publicly about Tiger in any negative way. However, even if this were ordered, it would be difficult to enforce.

Another option for minimizing the publicity surrounding this divorce is mediation and/or arbitrations. If Tiger and Elin chose to resolve their dispute via mediation or arbitration instead of going to the courts, this would not force her to be silent about their marriage, but it would make this dispute less public. This is because Ontario family law decisions are usually published so that are accessible to the public. Mediation and arbitration are private. So, these alternatives could provide Tiger more privacy than traditional litigation.
