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Child Support Bursting Through Money

Child support is an important consideration of any separation or divorce involving children. It is a legal obligation that ensures both parents contribute financially to their child's upbringing. However, calculating child support can be overwhelming, especially for parents who are not familiar with the process. In this blog, we will discuss the basics of child support calculations and provide useful tips to help make the process easier.

1. Understanding the Guidelines

Ontario's child support guidelines are established under the Family Law Act. Child support is primarily determined based on the paying parent's income and the number of children. The province provides a Child Support Table that outlines the basic monthly support amounts according to income levels. These amounts are then adjusted based on the custody arrangement – whether the child primarily resides with one parent (custodial) or shares time equally (shared custody).

Special provisions cover various circumstances, including situations involving shared custody, extraordinary expenses (such as healthcare and education), and high incomes. The guidelines aim to ensure that children receive the financial support they need while taking into account parents' abilities to pay. It's important to note that child support guidelines are subject to legal regulations and may require legal consultation for accurate application.

2. Income Disclosure

The first step in calculating child support is to determine both parents' income. This information is crucial to ensure that the paying parent contributes an appropriate amount towards their child's care. Both parents must provide detailed financial information, including their income, deductions, and expenses, to calculate child support accurately.

3. Special or Extraordinary Expenses

In addition to basic child support payments, parents may also have to contribute to special or extraordinary expenses. These expenses may include daycare, medical expenses, extracurricular activities, and post-secondary education. These expenses are typically shared between both parents based on their income and financial situation.

4. Shared Custody

If both parents have shared custody of the children, child support payments may be adjusted accordingly. The amount of time the children spend with each parent can impact the amount of child support owed. In some cases, the paying parent may not have to pay any child support if they have equal or nearly equal time with the children.

5. Reviewing & Modifying Child Support

Child support is not set in stone and can be reviewed and modified if circumstances change. Changes in income, living arrangements, or other factors can impact the amount of child support owed. Parents can request a review of their child support payments if they feel the amount is unfair or if their circumstances have changed.

Feldstein Family Law Group P.C. Is Here for Your Family

Understanding the basics of child support calculations is essential for parents going through a separation or divorce. By following the guidelines, disclosing income, considering special expenses, understanding shared custody, and reviewing and modifying child support, parents can ensure their children receive the financial support they need.

If you need assistance with child support calculations, our experienced family law attorneys at Feldstein Family Law Group P.C. can assist you with the process and provide you with legal advice. Contact us today to learn more!

 Feldstein Family Law Group P.C. is available by phone at (905) 581-7222 or you can contact us online.
